A passion to be the leading Sydney and Wollongong mechanical and air conditioning service and maintenance provider
We started Fletchair with a simple philosophy: we wanted to be the best in Sydney and Wollongong for mechanical and air conditioning services.
Having effective air conditioning and building management controls is so important to the comfort and quality of a building. Too often we’ve seen the effects of poor engagement, whether it be an installer that attempts to follow a template with every installation, even when the system isn’t right for that building, or they use poor suppliers and end up installing unreliable equipment.
Giving Sydney and Wollongong the mechanical and air conditioning services that it needs means working more closely with clients. We bring genuine expertise to the table, with many years of experience with building management systems and technology, installation, and maintenance, to provide each of our clients with expert, trusted advice based on their own building environment and needs.
We aim to be an arm to each client’s business, working with them closely over months and years to continue to deliver the perfect air for work, rest and play. That’s what makes us the leading name among Sydney and Wollongong mechanical and air conditioning services.
More than a contractor
Core to what helps us stand out as the Sydney and Wollongong mechanical and air conditioning services that you can trust is our value-adds. We partner strategically with each of our clients, offering expert advice on how to improve their environment and get more out of their building management systems. We’re also proactive after installation, helping to keep to a maintenance schedule that will ensure your systems operate at full functionality for longer, and we do so with minimum disruption to the people that are in the building.